Is 500K per year NOT ENOUGH to keep a wife HAPPY? The story of the @TechLead divorce.
My wife left me. One day she just took all of her stuff, took my kid and just left. This ex Facebook, ex Apple, Ex Google engineer, computer scientist. He as so good that he was able to work for multiple premiere companies. Despite the tremendous success that he has enjoyed, his wife left him alone and destroyed him. AFter surviving one of the hardest out there.. climbing the corporate ladder and having a successful business as a leading Youtube, he has to pay 5000 a month in Child support for the next 15 years.
If even an Alpha engineer is destroyed by divorce what’s left for the rest?
Stop being taken advantage by divorce, best solution is to not get married. If you really have to, get a prenup. Be sure she has not been exposed to the toxic ideals of feminism.
He will be in for a long ride with alemony and child support payments.
You have been warned, nobody is immune to teh nature of women, let’s all take a red pill
Cringe stories gone viral, i Cringe